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Festivals and Events

Many radar sites planned and hosted their own events and festivals, sometimes in conjunction with their local civilian community. Often supported by the Messes at these stations, events like Winter Carnivals, Oktoberfests, Christmas parties or Air Force Days helped bring the community together and offered fun and games for everyone.


Since local communities were often welcomed or involved in the planning, these events kept the relationship between the military and civilian communities strong. In rural and often isolated Canada, events kept morale up and meant for exciting activities away from the daily life of a radar station.


In an edition of the Canadian Forces Station Barrington, Nova Scotia, ‘Byline’, a new Commanding Officer remarks that he was looking forward to his time at the coastal Pinetree Line site, saying "Nobody said it was going to be easy. But he didn’t say it couldn’t be fun.”


Personal Stories and Photos

New Years Eve 1956 at Site 403, near Great Whale River, Quebec, (Mid-Canada Line) Fraser Bruce employees. Courtesy John Rowe, reposted with permission from

Signed Christmas menu from a DEW Line station. Courtesy Brian Jeffrey and

St. Patrick's Day feast, Winisk, Ontario (Mid-Canada Line). Courtesy Al Gallant, reposted with permission from

Christmas dinner at DEW Line station CAM-4, 1960 (Pelly Bay, Nunavut). Only two of the station members were not present for the photo. Courtesy Brian Jeffrey and

Submitted by Jim Richmond, CFS Barrington 1982-1985

There was an airshow in the area and this twin huey stopped over at the site. I was talking to the crew and got invited for a ride. They took me over the ocean and proceeded to do a combat turn. Thank god the door was closed because I was looking straight down at the ocean and probably would have freaked out otherwise.

Submitted by CWO (ret.) Giorgio Frausin, Sydney 1984-1989, Barrington 1989-1990, 42 Radar 1990, Gander 1990-1992, NORAD Systems Support Facility (Tyndall AFB), 2000-2004

I was surprised to see that my submission for the 1990 CFS Barrington Winter Carnival Button - The horse leaning on the 27 Tower - on the slide show in the Festival and Events section. Brought back some instant memories!!


Virtual Exhibit Created by the Canadian Forces Museum of Aerospace Defence
Exposition virtuelle par le Musée de la défense aérospatiale des Forces canadiennes



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